Thursday 17 May 2007

Lucius van Horne

Requester: Fleet Admiral Kael Maebius
Date: 170507.M41
Access point: Station Librium Borielle Docks
Achivist: Javrion Daol
Security Clearance: Aurantius-γ
Ref: Vsl.DtBs.5698012104/V
Search terms: The Azubah
Secondary items: Vessel Class, Lucius van Horne, Nietorp System, History
Thought for the day: No joy is more pure than that found in doing one's duty!

> Search results

The Azubah - Vessel Class

The Azubah is similar in appearance to a Repulsive class Grand Crusier. The Imperial Navy is not certain of its current specifications as the Azubah has not fought alongside any vessels under direct imperial command in the last three Millenia. The last recorded engagement where an assessment of its capabilities could be made was during the Tokafushi Rising. The reports at that time support the classification of the Azubah as a repulsive class Grand Cruiser with the canonical capabilities of that class of vessel.

The Azubah - Lucius van Horne

Lucius van Horne is belived to be the current commander of the Azubah. He is a Rogue Trader of note, with "letters of marque" believed to have been granted to his paternal great great great Grandfather some 1900 years ago. The family is exceptionally long lived, and each generation has discovered new worlds which have been successfully integrated into the Imperium. There is no known Inquisitorial investigation into the activities of van Horne as He is believed to be fiercely loyal. The 'gift' of the 10000 psykers captured during van Horne's 'rediscovery' of the Nietorp system is viewed as evidence of his desire to work for the benefit of The Imperium.

The Azubah - Nietorp System

The Nietorp system is a small system with four planets. Three of the planets are civilised worlds which are fully aware of their relationship to Terra and the place they have in the Imperium. The fourth world is a primitive world with a single large tropical continent and small scattered tribes of humans. The Nietorp system was rediscovered by Lucius van Horne and his fleet after a gap of nine millenia. The Nietorp System is in the eastern spiral arm to the galactic north of Ultramar and to the galactic west of Kar Duniash.

The Azubah - History

The Azubah is an ancient vessel, dating from the time of the great crusade. Whilst the records from such ancient times are no longer complete, it is apparent from those records which remain that the Azubah had a distinguished service record with numerous victories and notable achievements. The Azubah is recorded as being part of the Ultima segmentum fleet during the Horus Heresy but no records of its service during the Heresy or for the subsequent three millenia exist. The Azubah was rediscovered drifting in the ****records deleted***** system in the 34th millenia and was refitted and returned to the fleet of the Ultima Segmentum. The Azubah served for the next four millenia without distinction and was believed lost during the Tokafushi rising in the 37th millenia. The Azubah re-appeared as the flag ship of Lucius van Horne's great great great Grandfather's fleet one century after he recieved his "letters of mark". It has featured in all the van Horne families known exploits in the subsequent centuries.

> End of data stream